Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bully (fall away #1)

Bully   ★★★★★

Main Characters: Tatum Brandt aka Tate
                               Jared Trent

Judging by the title alone I just knew I wasn't going to like this book. But im happy to say I was wrong. With all the sad stories we here in the news about our kids being bullied in schools im happy to finally read a good one. Even though it didnt start off that way. 
  Jared and Tatum became best friends when she moved next door to him 8 yrs ago. They spent every waking moment together. Until Jared went away for an entire summer.  When he returned he was a completely different kid. He was a mean, relentless, bully and he went out of his way to make Tatum's life miserable.
 After going away to France to study abroad for an entire year Tate came back hoping things between  her and Jared would've been different. When they weren't her best friend tells her she should fight back. Proving shes not as fragile as she looks. When do does it completely pisses Jared off. That's when things started to get out of control. She now became the BULLY. She started saying and doing things she normally wouldn't. But not just to Jared. Her rage was spilled out on everyone! and she thought..  "This is how bullies are made". Not wanting to completely lose herself she decided to stop fighting him. But not until she told him exactly what she thought of him.
   Things between Jared and Tate didn't change right away. Left with no other option Jared was forced to beg Tate for her help. Of course she didn't  give in that easily. But she did eventually. And that one incident completely changed things for the both of them.

 Behind every bully no matter how mean, relentless,evil they might seem there's a story to be told. Sometimes all they need is someone to listen. In no way shape nor form do i support bulling. But every child no matter there age or what they've done wants to be heard.

This story was so captivating i literally couldn't put it down! I hated Jared for most of the book. Until i couldn't hate him any more. Although Jared story has been told a zillion times, his over all character was entertaining.
There was parts of the book that i thought was completely predictable but it didn't take away from the originality of the story.
This book was recommended to me by a friend and if she hadn't recommended it to me i would have never read it on my own.
don't judge a book by its cover... this is definitely one to read.